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Understanding that this turned into an art project, are the numeric answers supposed to be visible in the targets so that you get the right answers first time, every time?

(1 edit)

Doh! I left those in as a debugging cheat. No one else ever noticed.  Thank you for playing game and giving it a good look.

The UI was simple and easy to understand. That art was all very nice. 

Since the flavor text was one of the big parts of the game, it would have been nice to be able to bring back the description of the crimes. Once I interacted with the screen, the crime description went away, and I couldn't find a way to read it again. 

At first I thought there would be some way to deduce who the criminals are, but I quickly realized that was not how the game was setup. Adding some layer of deduction would make the gameplay more engaging. I know you said this is also an art project, so maybe gameplay was not the primary goal.


Thank you so much for the great feedback!  The art, randomness and chance to play around/learn coding is what gets me diving into these things. Being exposed to the games in the jam and on itch has been illuminating and inspiring and given me lots to ponder for the next update.

No, the game is very silly/easy to play.  I started the project as away to interactively display my comic art in a "polaroid" picture format... than I got lost in creating an image/wordle/puzzle thing and sourced a bunch of public domain image sources for more mugshot sets.  So... it's more art project than game.  

While it is beyond my ability/availability, I could see adding complexity by creating  criminal biographies and actually linking them to crimes and roles.  A big aspiration would be for other comic/visual artists to create  mugshot sets.

Thank you for giving it a try!

Mike S.

Nice game with very cool art. I feel like I did not 100% understand it though. Can I identify who did the crime from the text?